2012 … and Beyond

Update 2016…

These are challenging times…

It is the most divine, dynamic time in history to be alive on this fragile planet.  Individually and collectively we will go full-circle, shifting from a 3D dubious vision of future Oneness…to a glorious, blossoming manifestation of it – a New Earth.  For the sake of all sentient beings I dedicate this sacred space to this pure truth.

“Doing a 360” is an integral process of going “full-circle” on all levels, i.e., physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually, awakening to the inexorable fact that our Soul drives the bus, so-to-speak.  360 (three-sixty) is all-encompassing; three hundred and sixty degrees in ALL directions as in the circumference of a circle.

Therefore, in this way of “doing” … seeing, thinking, emoting and being in the world, we are all-inclusive — nothing, or NO THING is left out.  It cannot be in this spheroid philosophy of Oneness.

So, I invite you to take the journey.  Go full-circle.  As the great mythologist Joseph Campbell always said, “follow your bliss.”

More musings at: http://www.doinga360.com or in my books at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/author/reverendnancyash  Doing a 360: Turning Your Life Around to Follow Soul’s Purpose

In Oneness for a New Earth,

Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash, DD, PhD  ~ Southwest USA

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